We Have to Stop Now

We Have to Stop Now
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We Have to Stop Now

Dyna e Kit sono due terapiste di successo che hanno appena pubblicato un libro dal titolo “Come riuscire nel matrimonio senza nemmeno sperimentarlo” (“How To Succeed In Marriage Without Even Trying”). Una troupe di documentaristi è stata inviata nel loro appartamento per registrare le loro vite e capire che cosa rende queste due donne così felici. Ma c’è un piccolo problema: hanno appena deciso di divorziare. Quando improvvisamente arriva anche la sorella di Kit, Cindy, che è stata sfrattata e la troupe doc cerca di seguire ogni loro mossa, la scena è pronta per inaspettati sconvolgimenti…
Serie lesbica nata sul web e creata da Ann Noble. Ogni breve episodio è pieno di battute argute e ricco di humor.



trailer: We Have to Stop Now



Stagione 1

Episode 1: Pilot
prima trasmissione: 14 February 2009
Episode 2: A Day at a Time
prima trasmissione: 28 February 2009
Episode 3: Transferential
prima trasmissione: 14 March 2009
Episode 4: Whose Side Are You On?
prima trasmissione: 28 March 2009
Episode 5: Carnal Knowledge: Part 1
prima trasmissione: 11 April 2009
Episode 6: Carnal Knowledge: Part 2
prima trasmissione: 18 April 2009
Episode 7: Carnal Knowledge: Part 3
prima trasmissione: 18 April 2009
Stagione 2

Episode 1: The Baby and the Bathwater
prima trasmissione: 13 April 2010
Episode 2: The Grass Is Always Greener
prima trasmissione: 27 April 2010
Episode 3: Sisterhoodwinked
prima trasmissione: 11 May 2010
Episode 4: How Sweet It Is
prima trasmissione: 25 May 2010


“We Have to Stop Now” is a brand new web series about two lesbian therapists who are struggling to keep their romantic relationship together under some unique and challenging circumstances. The series stars two of the most popular out lesbian actors in entertainment today – Jill Bennett as “Kit” and Cathy DeBuono as “Dyna” – and brings viewers a truly original examination of what happens when you write a book with your partner about keeping a marriage together, then decide to get divorced, and then find out that the book became a best seller and a film crew wants to come into your home and document how perfect your relationship is. Combine all that with the high quality writing of Ann Noble, the superb directing of Robyn Dettman, a guest appearance by the hilarious Suzanne Westenhoefer, and the combined efforts of all the women behind Dynakit Productions (which includes the leading ladies), and you have the next best thing to hit the web.

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