Happy Endings (serie tv)

Happy Endings (serie tv)
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Happy Endings (serie tv)

Happy Endings è una serie televisiva statunitense trasmessa dal 13 aprile 2011 negli Stati Uniti sulla ABC. Le vite di un gruppo di amici sono scosse dalla rottura tra Alex and Dave, coloro che li avevano fatti conoscere. Questo avvenimento lascia Max, Brad, Jane e Penny in una situazione scomoda poichè sono costretti a decidere da che parte stare. Alex e Dave decidono, così, di rimanere amici, ma ci sono molte altre complicazioni in vista. Max (Adam Pally) è gay dichiarato con gli amici e abita insieme all’etero Dave. Soffre ancora del complesso di quand’era cicciottello al college. Nell’episodio 4, dal titolo “Mein Coming Out”, gli amici cercano di convincere Max a fare il coming out coi genitori che stanno venendo a trovarlo a Chicago, ma Max riesce ad evitare ancora una volta la cosa invitando un’amica a presentarsi come la sua fidanzata…


2 commenti

  1. De La Croix

    Una serie tv davvero brillante che, purtroppo, è stata cancellata dopo tre stagioni. I protagonisti sono talmente fuori dal comune e le situazioni così assurde, che non si può fare a meno di ridere.
    Max, il personaggio gay della serie, è un adorabile outcast, un uomo gay che non sente di appartenere a nessuno dei gruppi “predefiniti” della comunità.
    Consiglio definitivamente a tutti di vederla. Uno show del genere non lascia particolari cliffhangers, e tutte le risate che fa fare controbilanciano l’amaro in bocca che si sente sapendo a priori che non avrà mai un seguito.


trailer: Happy Endings (serie tv)


“Adam Pally, who plays the openly gay Max on the series, talked to reporters during the TCA press tour and teased them about what’s to come for the out character. Pally revealed Max would have a hard time when his friend Penny starts dating someone but more importantly told fans he would have several love interests in the upcoming season. During the interview, the actor also joked about 19-year old Max falling in love with out musician Frank Ocean.” (GLAAD, 5/8/2012)



Episode 1: Pilot
Prima USA—13 April 2011
Forget who gets to keep the ring – when a couple splits, the real question is, who gets to keep the friends? Alex and Dave’s wedding was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives, for them and their long-time friends… Until Alex leaves groom-to-be Dave at the altar. The breakup, in the words of one pal, is a “huge game changer” that will complicate everyone’s lives and make everyone question their own choices.

Episode 2: The Quicksand Girlfriend
Prima USA—13 April 2011
Dave’s one-night-stand with Andrea lands him in “chicksand” as the hookup evolves into a relationship he’s just not ready for yet. Jane, who thinks Alex is a terrible judge of people, can’t keep herself from getting involved when her sister looks for a roommate now that Dave’s moved out.

Episode 3: Your Couples Friends & Neighbors
Prima USA—20 April 2011
Jane insists that she and Brad befriend a sophisticated couple, Dianne and Carl, but Brad resists the idea. Max and Dave can’t figure out why food and other things are disappearing from their apartment. Alex confides to Max that Dave walks and eats in his sleep, but the truth is far stranger. Meanwhile, Alex starts dating a cute artist she just happens to meet hanging around Max and Dave’s place.

Episode 4: Mein Coming Out
Prima USA—20 April 2011
The gang tries to convince Max to come out to his parents when the two visit Chicago and Max has to scramble yet again to get one of the ladies to pose as his girlfriend. Meanwhile Penny meets the man of her dreams, Doug. He’s good looking, funny, successful…and he’s got a rather infamous last name.

Episode 5: Like Father, Like Gun
Prima USA—4 May 2011

Episode 6: Of Mice & Jazz-Kwon-Do
Prima USA—11 May 2011

Episode 7: The Shershow Redemption
Prima USA—18 May 2011

Episode 8: Dave of the Dead
Prima USA—2011

Episode 9: Barefoot Pedaler
Prima USA—2011

Episode 10: You’ve Got Male
Prima USA—2011

Episode 11: The Girl with the David Tattoo
Prima USA—2011

Episode 12: I’ll Be There for You
Prima USA—2011

Episode 13: Why Can’t You Read Me?
Prima USA—2011

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