The series focuses on an upscale apartment block called ‘Bedlam Heights’, renovated from the structure of an abandoned mental asylum, and the strange hauntings that occur there. New arrival Jed Harper (Theo James) possesses the ability to see the ghosts (which are generally not visible to others), and receives visions of their deaths. The hauntings are generally malevolent, and it is up to Jed to determine the spirits’ motives and thwart their goals. His flatmates are his cousin, Kate (Charlotte Salt), who manages the complex; Ryan (Will Young) who is troubled by the recent violent death of his brother; and Molly (Ashley Madekwe), a childhood friend of Kate and Jed.
Episode 1
“Cohabitants” directed by John Strickland
After helping the ghost of a traffic accident victim over to the other side, Jed Harper receives a mysterious text warning him that his estranged cousin by adoption is in danger and he must head to Bedlam. Kate and her father are running an apartment complex in the refurbished Bedlam mental institution, but business is struggling due to the building’s history and Kate’s grandfather’s reputation of supposedly abusing the patients. Jed arrives just in time to save his cousin from an attack by a ghost and is convinced that the ghost is the younger brother of tenant Ryan McAllister who died a year ago to the day. It is eventually learnt that it is the ghost of a patient who was after the ring that Kate’s father gave to her as a present, thinking that Kate had stolen it from the ghost. Believing his task is over Jed is set to leave, only to catch sight of the many other trapped spirits in the building.
Episode 2 “Driven” directed by John Strickland
The arrival of new tenant Leah stirs William Mackay, one of the ghosts of Bedlam who begins a brutal campaign of terror against her. Jed and Ryan investigate but soon find that the brutal Mackay (Philip Broadbent) was an innocent man wrongly sent to Bedlam. Now a ghost, he is seeking revenge for the wrongs against him and Leah’s dark secret has made her his prime target.
Episode 3
“Inmates” directed by Alrick Riley
New Bedlam Heights resident Sadie Novak (Loveless) disposes her empty cardboard boxes in the rubbish chute closet where the door slams shut and plunges her into darkness. The door won’t open, she’s trapped and there’s somebody, or something else, in the room. When she escapes and meets Jed, there is an instant spark between them, and having both been in psychiatric institutions they share a common bond as well as a physical attraction. As Sadie’s ghostly experiences escalate, Jed begins to investigate why she is being targeted and needs her to open up to him if he is to help. But the secret she is hiding will shock him to the core. Meanwhile, Ryan sees a strange old woman wandering the grounds of Bedlam Heights and follows her to the basement where he learns that she is Grace (Rita Tushingham), a former patient who has been living under the hospital since it closed. Her daughter went missing in the area in the 80s, and Grace has made it her mission to discover what happened to her. When Ryan introduces Jed to Grace, he is stunned by what she has to say.
Episode 4
“Hide and Seek” directed by John Strickland
When six-year-old Ella sees an unknown child in a Victorian dress calling out to her from a darkened corridor, it’s clear that all is not well in Bedlam Heights. The young girl – recently taken on as Molly’s childminding charge – soon begins to confide in her carer about her new friend, but also of a “bad man” who hurt her. When Ella goes missing and is found in a life-threatening situation, Jed and Ryan investigate further. Elsewhere, Kate is suffering from sleep deprivation and exhaustion following repeated nightmares of being trapped with a corpse in a secret room, and, when Warren shows her a series of tapes from the old asylum, she is plunged into even further trauma. Later, spending time with Sean’s wife, Maria (Joanna Page), Kate makes her question Sean’s fidelity and puts her in grave physical danger. But when Ella goes missing for a second time, it seems their neighbours’ marital spat could be the least of the group’s worries.
“Committed” directed by Alrick Riley
Mark Northon (Walters) is a drinking buddy of Jed’s, so when strange scratching noises start to wake him during the night and a mysterious voice calls from a broken phone, Jed thinks nothing of going along to his Bedlam Heights flat to check out the problem. What greets them is a far more distressing scene than either had expected. Gouged into the apartment walls are a series of vicious scrawls reading ‘DON’T LEAVE ME’, the floor is strewn with rose petals and Jed soon begins to have a vision that dates back to Bedlam’s harrowing past. The actions of one of Kate’s ancestors and another depraved tale from the asylum all lead to a situation that could put Mark in very present danger. Jed, meanwhile, is blissfully unaware of his own mysterious history, whereas Ryan and Molly are uncovering it at an unintentionally rapid speed. When the pair find an old photograph of Jed’s mother in Bettany Hospital there are certain pieces of the puzzle that don’t add up. The date on the photo reads one thing but Jed’s version of his mum’s pregnancy alludes to something else. And when Ryan and Molly visit Ray Bowman (guest star Alan Rothwell), an estranged friend of Jed’s belated mother, the pair find themselves uncovering some truths that could turn Jed’s entire life upside down. In addition, Kate’s mental state is becoming increasingly fragile and, when her fears for Zoe increase, she ends up falling into the arms of one of her flatmates.
Episode 6
“Burning Man” directed by Alrick Riley
When Molly and Ryan begin a harmless tarot card game they have no idea of the dangers that are to follow. Jovial beginnings soon take a worrying turn when Molly reveals the death card and a candle instantly topples over, setting her sleeve on fire. A ghost has been released and, as a series of unexplained fires breaks out in the flat, it’s up to the friends to uncover the story behind the spectral arsonist before any of them are seriously injured. Jed, meanwhile, receives phone calls from a mysterious number, 2439. Although the code initially means nothing to the troubled victim, Ryan instantly recognises the digits – the photo of Jed’s mother and Bowman is branded with the same ward number – and soon Jed finds himself on a perilous hunt to contact the ghost of his late parent. Molly suffers from her own affairs of the heart when a long-awaited liaison with Ryan doesn’t end as planned, and when Kate finally enters the secret room that’s been plaguing her, all the horrors of the asylum come to a head. The four friends have faced up to their own demons, but what’s waiting for them in the depths of Bedlam Heights is worse than anything they could have ever predicted.