Tyler Glenn

Tyler Glenn
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  • Data di nascita 28/11/1983
  • Luogo di nascita California/Temecula

Tyler Glenn

Glenn è infatti omosessuale ma al tempo stesso mormone, con tutte le contraddizioni che ne seguono. Il 30enne è un adepto della Chiesa di Gesù Cristo dei Santi degli Ultimi Giorni, che ha finanziato la celebre Proposition 8 che nel 2008 vietò i matrimoni tra persone dello stesso sesso nello stato della California.
“Ho avuto le mie cotte per i ragazzi per tutto il liceo ma non è mai stata una cosa travolgente fino ai vent’anni. Poi sono uscito con alcune ragazze ma ero innamorato dei miei amici etero, ed era la peggiore sensazione del mondo”. “Sì. Sono una pop star mormone e gay, felice e sana. Non so che cosa significhi tutto questo ma sto bene con tutto ciò”.
Queste le parole di Tyler, che ha poi confessato a Yahoo Music come con il coming out non cercasse l’approvazione altrui, ma semplicemente una pace interiore. “Sì, credo in Dio e sono ancora mormone”, ha poi continuato Glenn, stupito dal calore positivo ricevuto in queste settimane e dall’inattesa serenità nell’essere un gay dichiarato. Associazioni, omosessualità e felicità, che il cantante non aveva mai contemplato. Sbagliando. (da Yahoo.com)


As a teenager, Glenn attended Chaparral High School in Temecula, California. He is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. After high school, he served a Mormon mission in Nebraska.
Neon Trees’ origins lay in Southern California in 2004 after Glenn’s father suggested he play music with guitarist Chris Allen, the son of one of Glenn’s father’s friends. In 2005, they moved to Provo, Utah and formally founded Neon Trees, adding bassist Branden Campbell and drummer/backing vocalist Elaine Doty (who is now Elaine Bradley) in 2007. The band became well known in the music scene around Provo and Salt Lake City.
In 2007, Ronnie Vannucci, Jr. (drummer for The Killers), who knew Campbell from a previous band, saw Neon Trees playing at a small venue in Las Vegas and was impressed. As such, in 2008, The Killers invited the band to open for them during their North American tour.
Neon Trees released their first full-length album, Habits in 2010. One song from that album, “Animal”, which Glenn co-wrote was a hit. A second song co-written by Glenn, “Everybody Talks” from their 2011 album Picture Show was also a top 10 hit in 2012.
In the April 10, 2014 issue of Rolling Stone, Glenn came out as gay, and discussed keeping his sexuality a secret throughout his life.

Although some fans had speculated that Glenn is gay, Glenn had previously stated that he was not and had spoken about a girl that he dated for two years and nearly married (their breakup is the subject of the song “Our War” on the Habits album). Glenn had stated that misperceptions about his sexuality prompted the song “Teenage Sounds” from the Picture Show album; the song contains the lyric “I’m sick of being called a fag because I’m queer.” In an interview, Glenn explained what he meant by that lyric: ““I thought of the line not in a sexual way but in fact that I’ve been called a fag since I was probably 11 years old for dressing different or listening to different music. For being me. I can only imagine how frightening it would be to be gay and be called that relentlessly.”

With respect to his Mormon faith, Glenn stated in a 2012 interview: “The way I was raised and being a questioner, and getting a lot of my curiosities out early with drugs and alcohol, I think it’s helped me maintain a more even keel where I’m not out of control.” It has been widely reported that Glenn and the other members of Neon Trees do not drink alcohol or use drugs. (Wikipedia)

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