Pilar Gutierrez Aguado was born on 10.10.1971 in Zaragoza. After 2 very short films in 2004, she made the short “La visita” that won a lot of award in various festivals in 2005 and 2006, especially in Scife 2005 (Best short, Best director, public price, best actor and actress). Her next short film “Por tres botes de anchoas” was also awarded in Scife 2006 (public price and best actress). Then she made a documentary “Migas con Menta” about the relations between arab and spanish women in Spain. She made “El patio de mi casa” en 2007. The 3 actresses: Ana García, Pilar Molinero y Silvia García de Pé won the best actress award in the Gran Canaria gay and lesbian film festival. The film won a lot of awards in various festivals (best actress(es), public prices, best director, best short film). (http://www.cineffable.fr/)
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