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Zoe è una sorella, una zia, un’amica, una coinquilina. Zoe è giovane e conduce una vita normalissima. Zoe è una studentessa. Zoe è lesbica. Zoe è come tutti noi. La sua quotidianità viene sconvolta quando, inaspettatamente, s’innamora. Come il titolo stesso suggerisce, Zoe finisce per sentirsi misplaced, smarrita, persa in un vortice di emozioni e sentimenti con cui non sa come relazionarsi: amore, sacrificio, lealtà. Le sue scelte avranno conseguenze non solo su di lei ma anche sulle persone che la circondano, come in una partita a domino dove ogni mossa è dettata dal caso. Un indie drama australiano a bassissimo costo che, nel raccontare l’imprevedibilità di un innamoramento, parte da una prospettiva privata e personale, in cui chiunque può riconoscersi, gay e etero, al di là di ogni stereotipo. Un film prodotto grazie al crowd funding, primo progetto di questo genere a vedere la luce in Australia. (TGLFF)



trailer: Zoe.Misplaced


Zoe’s regimented life is thrown into upheaval when she unexpectedly falls in love. In doing so, she is faced with making a series of choices whose outcomes not only impact on her independence but on the relationships with those most important to her.
Zoe.Misplaced is an indie/drama feature film about everyday life from a (surprisingly) unexplored perspective. We follow Zoe, a gay 20-something, student, friend, sister, aunt and room-mate on a journey which is highly relatable regardless of your sexual orientation. (IMDB)


The cheers at the end of Zoe Misplaced at its screening in Sydney not only celebrated what the Mardi Gras Festival directors called a “witty” and “highly relatable” film, but also showed that we want more Australian protaganists on screen.
Congratulations to Mekelle Mills, who wrote, directed, produced, filmed and funded the project herself. Moreover, the film bravely has no coming out scenes (the characters have been there, done that), nor ceremonies or births of any kind. This is day-to-day living balancing friendships, family, study and trying to make ends meet. And then Zoe goes and unexpectedly falls in love, raising some perennial questions about retaining independence while also giving yourself to someone else.
The characters disappointingly (or realistically) are not always honest with each other, but that gives the film a lot of its momentum. Hannah Raven Smith is particularly impressive as Zoe, but the entire cast play their parts well, combining being a good mate and succumbing to love pressures in a few uncomfortably familiar moments. Nat (Clementine Mills) was possibly the most difficult character to make believable and yet she is crucial to the way the film develops.
Perhaps the film needed some trimming, and the hand-held camera made me dizzy at times (as they do) but gee, it is great that the film was made at all – and to see recognisable inner-city Sydney on screen. Let’s hope crowd funding and other funding will help Mills with her next film, for she truly deserves that opportunity. (Deborah Singerman, samesame.com.au)

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