Watch Me Over

Watch Me Over
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Watch Me Over

Ciò che sembrava rabbia diventa diabolico. Ciò che sembrava amore diventa paura. Ciò che sembrava una notte in spiaggia diventa una scalata negli inferi. Notte da brividi in Israele. Per un giovane bello e solare tristemente capitato tra le grinfie di tre “ambigui” militari




On completing his training in a secret elite army unit, Eitan is taken out by mates from the unit to celebrate. During a night of drinking in Tel Aviv he learns things about the unit and about himself that shake his world. An encounter with Shahar, who lives the way Eitan never dared, gives him a chance for a new beginning. But when he tries to go with the change, he discovers the ultimate price of his previous choices.

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