Warriors of Love

Warriors of Love
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Warriors of Love

Un drammatico film sulla travagliata storia di una giovane coppia lesbica che è disposta a fare qualsiasi cosa per stare insieme.
Ida e Karin si mettono in viaggio per incontrare il padre di Ida, che aveva abusato di lei quando era piccola. La ragazza non si sente capace di dare la colpa a suo padre né di impegnarsi fino in fondo in questo nuovo rapporto, quindi l’incontro vede Ida cercare di scendere a compromessi e, con la complicità della possessiva compagna, pianificare di uccidere il padre così da poter essere libera. Con un ambizioso montaggio, con scene di ampio raggio veramente belle sulla campagna svedese in contrasto con rigidi e lunghi primi piani delle due giovani, che compongono l’eccellente cast, e i suoi dialoghi claustrofobici, il film è un ritratto interessante e sorprendentemente verosimile di due giovani donne con un disperato bisogno di essere amate, e che sono disposte a fare qualsiasi cosa pur di stare insieme. (LLGFF, tr. G.B.)


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trailer: Warriors of Love



Kärlekens Krigare (Warriors of Love) is a feature film by Simon Staho who previously brought us a movie about the death of a marriage due to a homosexual affair and one about the disastrous effects of (thoughts of) adultery on two entwined couples. This time, Staho tackles a modern day tale of Romeo and Juliet where Juliet was sexually abused as a child and Romeo is a girl.
The movie is in black and white and stars only two people; Ida (Josefin Ljungman) and Karin (Shima Niavarani). Staho focuses heavily on cinematography to sustain his movie and, indeed, the images of Denmark are extraordinarily beautiful. Silence rules large parts of the movie and adds greatly to the depressing and oppressive vibe of the movie. This is not a movie to go to with your girl, hoping to spend the night crawled away in the top row, making out.
Staho has described Warriors of Love as, “A declaration of war against those who reject love [and] a tribute to excessive love. To obsessive love. To love that creates miracle and tragedies.” He’s got a point. Warriors of Love looks to be the Swedish version of ‘Heavenly Creatures’ because in order for Ida to heal from the childhood trauma of sexual abuse, she needs to kill her father and she needs Karin’s help to do it. Together the girls create a world for themselves wherein death is the glorified solution to all and love is never ending.
Critics have been much divided about this movie. Some think it quite beautiful, whereas others think this movie was a complete waste of film. All in all, I think it’s safe to say that Warriors of Love is a definite Art House film and everyone in the position to do so, should watch it and make up their own mind. (http://eurout.org)

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