Virus kennt keine moral, Ein

Virus kennt keine moral, Ein
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Virus kennt keine moral, Ein

Folla delle grandi occasioni ed applausi ai festiva] di Berlino e Rotterdam 1986 per la presentazione dei film/commedia genere «noir» sul virus del secolo. Un film brillante ed intelligente ambientato tra saune e personaggi esilaranti dove in modo sottile e provocatorio si cerca di mostrare i pericoli di una nuova discriminazione. In epoche di grandi pericoli le minoranze sopravvivono anche grazie ad una buona dose di humor. Grottesco, macabro, ma anche divertente e lucido, il film propone differenti modi di affrontare il virus: da una parte pregiudizi, sfruttamento, speculazione, dall’altra solidarietà, terapie alternative, modi di convivere con la malattia. Di fronte all diffondersi della malattia, il governo tedesco decide di mandare chiunque sia contaminato in campi di concentramento chiamati Hell-Gay-Land.





This, at the time, was a pioneering film. The always innovative and irreverent Rosa von Praunheim broke the ice on satirizing AIDS. This was later done by several other independent directors from Canada and the USA, also imitating the parody musical format which von Praunheim created. This film is still the most important of its genre. Von Praunheim was severely ostracized for poking fun at such a subject. But he insisted that given how the world had ignored AIDS up to then (1985; it took the Rock Hudson death to shake the US then), satire was necessary. He was right. Whatever would cause the most raucous would bring the most attention to AIDS. And it worked. So, don’t expect a landmark film. But it is a film that perhaps highlights von Praunheim’s career as a gay activist, not as a film maker. (Imdb)

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