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Straordinario documentario su uomini e donne e tutte le variazioni che stanno tra loro. Ci racconta dall’interno la comunità transgender, una delle minoranze più fraintese e maltrattate in America e ovunque nel mondo. Ispirato alla incredibile storia della dott.ssa Christine McGinn (essa stessa una transdonna) e al suo importante lavoro come chirurgo transgender, il film ci offre un’intimo e personale sguardo sulle vite, gli amori, le battaglie e le sfide di un gruppo di personaggi di tutte le età e classi sociali. Incontriamo l’appena settenne Danann Tyler e i suoi genitori quando Danann inizia con decisione il suo complesso percorso. Poi Cris, una donna biologica che ha appena scoperto la sua vera identità. Poi Pam e Erica, che in a vanzata età affrontano la chirurgia e altro, senza badare ai pericoli connessi, per realizzare la loro vera natura. Abbiamo poi la testimonianza della tragedia di un adolescente ‘maschio a femmina’ che ha perso la sua strada. Dalle strade buie e pericolose fino alla quiete delle sale operatorie, il film vuole farci conoscere un mondo di cui si parla pochissimo, con storie che ci aprono il cuore e la mente. Un film per tutti coloro che almeno una volta si sono guardati allo specchio chiedendosi “chi sono veramente io?” ai quali il film pone un’altra domanda: “sei tu abbastanza coraggioso da scoprirlo?”



trailer: Trans


“TRANS” is an extraordinary documentary feature film about men and women… and all the variations in between. It is an up-close and very personal journey into the transgender world through the memorable stories and the unusual lives of a remarkable cast of characters. Here we will explore the Transgender Community, perhaps the most misunderstood and mistreated minority in America and around the world.
It begins with the story of Lt. Commander Christopher McGinn, a Navy flight surgeon selected by NASA to serve on two space missions. But, upon his discharge from the armed forces, Chris McGinn would set out upon a different mission…from which he was never to return. Now Dr. Christine McGinn is able to tell her own amazing story, (picked up in the media on both MSNBC and the Oprah Winfrey show) and provide an entrée into a complex and dramatic world that is “TRANS.”
Some of the stories include…
• Danaan: a 7 year old MTF (male to female) who knew who she was at 2 years old and has spent the rest of her short life making believers out of her parents and the rest of her world. • Cris: He has only recently come to the realization that he is transgendered and is about to break the news to his lesbian girlfriend that he is not a lesbian
• Pam and Erica: They have never met before now, but they have been living the same lie for over 50 years. Now, in their mid 50s, they are undergoing transgender surgery and are about to risk everything to be able to live as their authentic selves.
• We attend the Oakland and San Francisco’s Transgender Day of Remembrance and witness an entire community under siege.
• We learn the tragic story of Chloe, who graduated High School and left her small town with her best friend to live in a place where she could start life anew and experience the freedom and excitement of living her authentic self. There she collided with the fear that every trans person must struggle to overcome just to survive.
• We hear the wisdom and the experiences from some of the foremost authorities in the Transgender Community and get a real up close look at this disenfranchised community and the fight to bring them the recognition and respect they deserve.
• We accompany young Cris, an FTM, to the Philadelphia Trans-Health Conference—a life changing experience for him. With Cris we learn about all the information and services that are available to the Transgender Community. We learn the protocols and the procedures that one can follow that will lead them to the life they were truly meant to live. And we will learn about the hundreds and thousands who suffer from this condition not knowing what could possibly be the matter with them or what they can possibly do about it.
These are the stories of boys and girls, men and woman…and all the shades in between. These are stories that will open both the mind and the heart. Stories of extraordinary people who face fear, discrimination, ignorance and violence in the hopes they might one day be able to live…ordinary lives.
To anyone who ever looked in a mirror and wondered, “Who they really are?”
TRANS asks another question…”are you brave enough to find out?”

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