Tontos y los estúpidos, Los

Tontos y los estúpidos, Los
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Tontos y los estúpidos, Los

In un teatro di posa una troupe cinematografica si ritrova per le prove di Los tontos y los estúpidos. Nello scarno allestimento del teatro metteranno in scena, attraverso le direttive del regista, le vicende di Miguel (gay, di cui Lourdes s’invaghisce), Lourdes, Mario, Paula e altri personaggi, protagonisti di varie storie che si intrecciano tra di loro con la casualità che è della vita stessa. Il desiderio, l’amore, la gelosia, l’amicizia sono solo alcuni dei temi di Los tontos y los estúpidos, pellicola che mette in evidenza le debolezze, le nevrosi e le ipocrisie delle relazioni tra le persone. Il film di Roberto Castón è anche una riflessione sulla messa in scena: la riduzione all’osso del processo filmico ne mette in luce gli ingranaggi, facendoci ricordare come la costruzione delle storie al cinema abbia sempre a che fare con una grande illusione.



trailer: Tontos y los estúpidos, Los


Second feature by Roberto Caston, whose movie Ander competed in the Panorama Section at Berlin in 2009. Mario, Paula, Miguel and Lourdes run into one another while looking (some more than others) for a way out of a life they don’t like. The situation forces them to make decisions, listening either to their hearts or to the fear of change. They are accompanied in the process by the film’s director, played by Roberto Alamo.
A group of movie professionals go into a studio to, over a single day, read / test/ count / live the story of ‘The Silly Ones and The Stupid Ones’. Sitting around a table and following the directions of the director, the actors show us the evolution of the creating process and how the characters through the trials, indications, lighting or props, that at first were just a story captured on a script becomes a film, in cinema, the great optical illusion, the visual lies that allows us to enjoy the stories we see on the screen. (Imdb)


it’s not the same thing to be dumb than to be stupid
A group of movie professionals go into a studio to, over a single day, read / test / count / live the story of “Los tontos y lo estúpidos”. Sitting around a table and following the directions of the director (played by Roberto Álamo ** **), the actors show us the evolution of the creating process and how the characters through the trials, indications, lighting or props, that at first were just a story captured on a script becomes a film, in cinema, the great optical illusion, the visual lies that allows us to enjoy the stories we see on the screen. Mario (**Josean Bengoetxea**), Paula (**Cuca Escribano**) Miguel (**Aitor Beltrán**) and Lourdes (**Nausicaa Bonin**) pretend, represent, appear, hide their flaws and shortcomings, deceive and delude themselves. So, for everything to change but to be the same in the end. Others, on the way, will get tired of so many lies and acting and bet their happiness on one card. (production)

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