Space and Desire

Space and Desire
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Space and Desire

Docu-film sperimentale che mescola realtà e finzione per mostrarci la vita gay a Hong Kong con le segrete aspirazioni e desideri della sua comunità gay. Il film trae spunto dalla storia vera della misteriosa e violenta morte di un detective della polizia Scozzese, McLennan, e della sua presunta storia d’amore con un giovane gay cinese. Questo fatto diede il via ad un’ampia investigazione che mise in crisi i cardini morali dell’autorità giudiziaria e del dipartimento di giustizia di Hong Kong negli anni ’80. Il regista ci conduce quindi all’interno dell’odierna vita dei gay di Honk Kong, mostrandoci e facendo parlare alcune coppie gay, un pittore deluso per amore, un taxista, alcuni attivisti gay, dei politici radicali, dei sociologi, filosofi e commentatori politici, ognuno dei quali ci dirà anche chi è stato, secondo lui, ad uccidere McLennan. Filmando luoghi d’incontro gay, bar e saune, ci svela la vita forzatamente underground della comunità gay, afflitta da marginalizzazione, criminalizzazione e discriminazione. Chow denuncia come le istituzioni conservatrici di Hong kong siano riluttanti ad affrontare i problemi dei diritti della comunità locale gay.



trailer: Space and Desire


Dichiarazioni del regista:

Space of Desire began as a short experimental video project back in 2003 filmed around a real life Gay Canadian Chinese Photographer/Artist Norm Yip who’s still struggling with revealing his true gay identity to his widowed mother.
I had met Norm during his Art Drawing exhibition earlier in 2000. I had no knowledge of his gay identity or HK’s hidden gay community. I was quite aware of the gay issues when I grew up in Canada’s more open, liberal and tolerant society. I began making short films seriously as an independent filmmaker back in 1995 after moving to Vancouver from Ottawa where I grew up most. I studied filmmaking briefly at University of Toronto and dropped out to become a carpenter for number of years. I returned to HK to do research for a film project and ended up staying here. In 2002, one of my documentary short, YM:Yeung Ming took the 8th IFVA Open Category Jury Special Award.
The project with Norm came to a haul as an unfinished short video with an open ending called Temptations, which also screened at the HKLGFF in 2003. Soon after, the project started a life of it’s own and began to evolve into something of an investigation into HK’s gay community and the issues that they’re struggling with… include interviews of other members from and outside the gay community dealing gay marriage rights, legal protections and the larger issue of human rights.
Every film project to me began as an experiment and soon I began to play with the conventions of the documentary form and threw in some fictional elements with the real life characters. It’s rather difficult for me to analyst my own films… but somehow, in this case, it seems to act as an metaphor to explore what we see and hear in life as true may not be the real truth in reality. And what is reality? The film contains a murder mysteries that we’re told what’s the truth from our government but yet the evidences indicate that there can lead to other speculations.
So the gay issues are way more complex and difficult to resolve as many things in life such as love and desire. In the film, I posed no real answers but try to raise more questions among the audience, in order for them to formulate their own version of reality and truth and to be aware of their own point of views and the choices that they can make and that can affect the society as a whole.
The film has already attracted a lot of attention from the community, as 90% of the advance tickets of the 2 screenings at the HKLGFF are pre-sold as of writing.

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