Soft Lad

Soft Lad
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Soft Lad

David (Jonny Labey) è un danzatore 22enne che sembra avere ottenuto quello che voleva dalla vita. Sta per abbandonare Liverpool per trasferirsi a Londra dopo essere stato accettato in una delle più prestigiose scuola di danza del Paese. Ma un segereto mette un’ombra sulla sua felicità. Il segreto è il marito di sua sorella, Jules (Daniel Brocklebank), col quale David ha dormito per due anni. Jules si rifiuta d’identificarsi come gay, e mentre non può negare la sua attrazione per David non vuole proprio mettere fine al suo matrimonio con Jane (Suzanne Collins). Dopo l’ennesima discussione con Jules sulle sue intenzioni e sulla sua incapacità di riconoscere i suoi veri sentimenti, David, in giro di notte, incontra San (Craig Stein). Passano tutta la notte insieme, cosa che non crea problemi a David che accetta di buon grado la distrazione come un fatto che non lascerà memoria nella sua mente. Inaspettatamente accade invece che quell’incontro occasionale si trasformi in qualcosa di più serio. Jules, a conoscenza della cosa, inizia a provare un forte sentimento di gelosia. Quando David riceve dal dottore una devastante notizia e Jane gli chiede un colloquio, Jules e David devono confrontarsi fino in fondo per chiarire i propri sentimenti, a costo di distruggere vite e famiglie lungo il percorso… Un toccante racconto di emancipazione, un viaggio verso la comprensione di se stessi e delle persone che amiamo, che tocca l’argomento HIV in termini aggiornati, ma soprattutto una indimenticabile storia d’amore e di desiderio. Il film, dopo aver girato festival e molte sale in U.K. È disponibile in dvd in lingua originale, con diversi inserti, su Amazon


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trailer: Soft Lad


A young man involved in a love affair that will change his life forever, whilst his lover wrestles his demons on a journey that will force him to come to terms with his sexuality, leaving lives destroyed in the wake. Love, lust, sexuality and betrayal all play arts in this coming of age story.


What inspired you to make the film? I was working on a musical called Elegies, which is about people who died of AIDS. It was for charity and although it was powerful stuff, I wanted to write a play that spoke about how HIV affected people’s lives in present day. I was also keen to show how some people put their own selfish needs before others and how this can hurt the people we love when we don’t consider our actions. This play I wrote then became Soft Lad the film.

Did you always intend to focus it around a gay love story? Yes. This was extremely important to me. As a gay male I think there are so few representations of us in film and television. The love story between Sam and David was originally second to the main story but it actually turned out to be so beautiful and grounded and one of the highlights of the film for me.

What was it like working with Jonny Labey? I basically found Jonny at an acting for TV workshop and he looked exactly like the David I’d written in my head. This was his first time acting on camera professionally and he was very nervous at times but he is a dream to work with and loved to learn and always wants to be the best. He is a true star. And he took a huge gamble with the film, even his agent thought it was never going to happen.

Daniel Brocklebank’s performance is fantastic – is he anything like that in real life? Daniel is one of the best actors of his generation. I worked with him on a short film and by the end of it I was convinced he was going to be ‘Jules’. I had to convince him of this as he didn’t feel it was him. He is a million miles away from ‘Jules’ but I knew there was no one who could act it as well.

What’s been your favourite moment of the whole Soft Lad process? My favourite moment was the whole 7 days it took to film it. It was a whirlwind and I worked with my best friends to tell a story that I feel is of importance on so many levels. I’ve just returned from Q Film Festival in Jakarta and the people there were so humbling. They told me how the story of SOFT LAD is scarily common in their country. And they told me the film gave them hope knowing they are not alone in their struggles. It was a very special moment.

What’s next for you, can we expect a SOFT LAD 2? Ha ha. No. Probably not a Soft Lad 2. I have a second film I’ve written with Craig Stein – who plays Sam in Soft Lad. This is more about my working class routes and doesn’t have any gay themes. And then we’re working on our third film which deals with themes of male rape and the pressures and struggles of gay relationships. I guess may be this could be our Soft Lad 2, but it’s on a much bigger scale. We’re really keen to make films that deal with social issues.


“One of the year’s best British gay feature films”

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