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  • Tendenza LGBT QQQ
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Put This on the {Map}

Il film, nato come opera collettiva di un gruppo di educatori, è un documentario che ci racconta il lavoro di reinsegnamento dei concetti di genere e identità sessuale. Non potendone più della mancanza di visibilità queer, 26 giovani persone dei sobborghi di Seattle si metono insieme per analizzare e studiare i cambiamenti intercorsi nella percezione sia individuale che sociale delle identità. A partire dalle percosse nei cortili scolastici, fino a coloro che sono stati costretti a fuggire, i giovani queer danno prova del loro coraggio quotidiano. Il film è un intimo e profondo racconto di storie di solitudine, isolamento, violenza, paura e liberazione. Forti delle loro esperienze, questi giovani ci forniscono una obiettiva valutazione dei loro ambienti scolastici, famigliari e di comunità, costringendoci alla riflessione e all’azione. Un film perfetto per essere proiettato nelle scuole e nelle associazioni giovanili.





“Family, school, and social pressures create educational and health disparities for queer youth, and for those questioning their gender or sexual identity. Yet talking about gender and sexuality diversity in schools and youth-serving organizations can bring up concerns among leadership about liability, community reaction, or saying the wrong thing. These concerns often overshadow the daily repercussions of an inexperienced or inactive faculty or staff.

Research indicates that queer and transgender young people are more than four times as likely to have attempted suicide in the past year than their peers, as well as face an increased risk of harassment at school, drug and alcohol use, and of being the victims of physical violence. Queer and transgender youth are also over-represented in the juvenile justice system and in systems of state care, where policies and practices often don’t meet the most basic safeguards. Educators, health providers, service organizations, and state agencies often lack confidence and competency to help or to address structural issues related to gender and sexuality.

We believe that in order to improve the lives of queer youth, we need to involve all young people and the adults that work with them in conversations about gender and sexuality. By training youth-serving professionals and young people, we invite broad participation in our mission to improve educational and health outcomes for LGBTQ youth, and strengthen communities for all young people.”

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