Projecting the Body

Projecting the Body
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Projecting the Body

Projecting the Body racconta la storia di un giovane artista, regista e ballerino sperimentale che ha ravvivato il panorama artistico di Sydney negli anni Ottanta. Il documentario è un giusto omaggio alla creatività di Stephen Cummins prodotto da amici e collaboratori utilizzando filmati domestici, fotografie ed estratti di alcuni dei brillanti film dello stesso Cummins. Il suo lavoro più famoso, Resonance (1992), è stato il primo film omosessuale ad aver ricevuto una sovvenzione dall’Australian Film Commission ed utilizzava la danza per contrastare la violenza omofoba, ma ci sono tanti altri tesori nascosti in questo bellissimo e ispirato film. (LLGFF, tr.GB)



trailer: Projecting the Body


Stephen Cummins was an experimental filmmaker in Australia whose short films and TV commercials can be seen as a more avant-garde version of the vaunted New Queer Cinema of the 1990s. Originally from a rural area, he went to Sydney in his twenties and became a key member of an innovative queer arts scene there, integrating dance, photography, performance, and cinema in his work. Projecting the Body assesses Cummins’ life and career, with ample selections from his films. Taste the Difference is an extreme close-up of two men kissing aimed at Australian television. Community Advancement startlingly visualizes AIDS as a Grim Reaper with a bowling ball, knocking down people of all ages, races, and sexes. Resonance transforms a brutal gay bashing (based on Cummins’ own experience) into a homoerotic boxing ballet. Cummins managed in his short career to combine activist politics with a stunning visual sense, and his death in 1997 at age 37 was indeed a loss.

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