Photos of Angie

Photos of Angie
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Photos of Angie

Nel 2008 il cadavere della diciottenne Angie Zapata venne ritrovato nel suo appartamento in una cittadina rurale nel Colorado. A ucciderla un uomo che aveva scoperto che Angie era in realtà Justin, un adolescente che aveva rinunciato all’identità maschile, scegliendo di essere transgender. Nello stesso anno altre quarantaquattro persone vennero uccise per lo stesso motivo. Il clamore mediatico suscitato da questo agghiacciante caso di cronaca nera, però, venne ulteriormente amplificato dal verdetto del successivo processo: per la prima volta nella storia degli Stati Uniti l’assassinio di un transessuale fu punito come “crimine d’odio”. Suddiviso in cinque momenti differenti, cinque come i giorni delle udienze in tribunale, il documentario illustra sia il percorso condotto da Angie per capire la sua vera identità, avvalendosi delle testimonianze dirette dei familiari, a loro volta vittime dell’omofobia, sia la psiche dell’omicida, di cui svela la repressa omosessualità. (TGFF)



trailer: Photos of Angie


This moving and powerful documentary chronicles the life and murder of Angie Zapata — a transgender teen who was murdered in rural Colorado in 2008. The film includes extensive interviews with her family about her journey of self-discovery, transgender lives across the globe, hate crimes legislation, and the mysterious nature of her killer — all against the backdrop of his trial. The film features a haunting score by Mackenzie Gault of the band The Flobots and a song from L.A.-based, Ozomatli.


Great stories never begin with the beginning, they start at the end or somewhere in the middle. Tragically, I only came to know Angie Zapata in the days after the end of her brief life. Angie was born as Justin Zapata, and the man accused of her murder says that he did so in a fit of rage after discovering that Angie was biologically a male. PHOTOS OF ANGIE tells the tale of this tragic death, the subsequent trial and explores transgenderism in its historical context. Angie was from a small town in northeastern Colorado and from a cultural background that does not allow for Angie to be the person she felt deep inside. In researching this film, many aspects of this story struck me – Angie’s struggle to discover who she was and her courage to do right by herself, the fact that human sexuality is not nearly as neatly packaged as we like to think, and how common anti-transgender violence is. Angie’s family took me on a very personal journey through their lives and it lead me to realize that only through compassion and understanding, all of us have to work together to write the end of the story – to create a world governed by freedom to be who we are, without fear. – Alan Domínguez

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