Paris Return

Paris Return
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Paris Return

Il racconto in prima persona di una matura coppia omosessuale che vive da molto tempo a Parigi. Reoven sogna di tornare in Israele, che ha lasciato da cinquant’anni, Pierluigi sarebbe disposto a seguirlo anche se ama la città dove vivono. Una bellissima casa, i ricordi che tornano ad affiorare, i battibecchi e l’intimità, un grande sense of humor che accompagna la loro lunghissima storia d’amore.




Reoven Vardi wants to go back to Israel, the country he left over 50 years ago. He is 75 years old, recently retired, and he feels that in Paris, he has almost nothing but Pierluigi. When I entered their apartment during my last visit, I immediately noticed that the old chairs are gone. “I’m selling them” said Reoven, “I do not need chairs dragged behind me when I go to heaven”. Clearly it involved more than just selling chairs. Pierluigi is 10 years younger than Reoven. For him Israel is not an option and he is fighting Reoven’s pessimism and sadness. Kol Erev is an intimate portrait of Reoven & Pierluigi, in a moment which might reflect in a way their life story and destiny.

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