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Filippine, 1958. Jun incontra Errol: tra i due nasce un amore (clandestino) che si protrae (anche per via epistolare) per oltre trent’anni, durante i quali Jun ha altre relazioni e s’iscrive al partito comunista, Errol diventa avvocato, si sposa e ha dei figli. Un legame che va di pari passo con gli sconvolgimenti del paese, dittatura di Marcos compresa. Una grande, epica storia romantica, un appassionante affresco storico che ricorda l’amore senza tempo (e oltre il tempo) di Brokeback Mountain. (Togay 2011)



trailer: Muli



After a slew of forgettable works, Adolfo Alix returns to form with a passable narrative reminiscent of his award-winning screenplay Kahapon May Dalawang Bata. Had the lovers (Sid Lucero & Cogie Domingo) stuck to the natural progression of their ages, the material would have seen its optimum. It was strenuous to see the characters in hideous tanners and uninspired stage make-up, especially the whitening of hair and sideburns, trying to mature through the different political regimes of the Philippines. A case in point would be the reunion scene towards the end that showed Sid’s face up close, sans the crows feet and lines that come naturally with age. Be that as it may, i still encourage viewers to take a peek at this honest work for its searing dissection of the Pinoy gay psyche and the odds they have to go through. Since the material was shot with a video-cam, the color is washed out. Perhaps this could be improved by a film transfer, specially if the production outfit intends to bring this to the film-fest circuit everywhere. (Imdb)

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