Maya Deren's Sink

Maya Deren's Sink
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Maya Deren's Sink

Barbara Hammer firma un tributo alla regista sperimentale di avanguardia Maya Deren, intrecciando spezzoni di opere della Deren in un lavoro originale e dotato dell’inconfondibile tocco hammeriano. Vincitore, insieme a Generations, del Teddy Award 2011 come Miglior Cortometraggio.




Maya Deren’s Sink, a 30 minute experimental film, is an evocative tribute to the mother of avantgarde American film. The film calls forth the spirit of one who was larger than life as recounted by those who knew her. Teiji Ito’s family, Carolee Schneemann and Judith Malvina, float through the homes recalling in tiny bits and pieces words of Deren’s architectural and personal interior space. Clips from Maya Deren’s films are projected back into the spaces where they were originally filmed appearing on the floorboard, furniture, and in the bowl of her former sink. Fluid light projections of intimate space provide an elusive agency for a filmmaker most of us will never know as film with its imaginary nature evokes a former time and space. (Imdb)

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