I'm a Stripper

I'm a Stripper
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I'm a Stripper

Stimolato dal successo del film Magic Mike, l’attore e regista gay Charlie David (A Four Letter Word) dirige questo doc dal titolo completo “I’m a Stripper: The Real Life Magic Men”. Il film, il primo di una trilogia, segue la vita reale di tre spogliarellisti che lavorano uno nella regione delle Cascate del Niagara, un’altro, di origine asiatica, a Montreal, e un’altro che lavora in uno spettacolo di Las Vegas chiamato “Thunder from Down Under”. Sono i tre luoghi americani che più di altri richiamano un pubblico affamato di sesso. I tre ragazzi ci parlano di denaro, di come riescono ad eccitare sessualmente, delle rivalità sugli stage, della loro creatività, della vita privata, delle differenze tra pubblico femminile e maschile, di una loro tipica giornata dentro e fuori dai club, delle reazioni in famiglia, coi loro fidanzati o fidanzate e dei loro amici. Alcuni psicologi ed esperti di spettacolo, tra i quali Morris Chapdelaine, Scott Bolton e Laurie Betito, ci dicono le loro opinioni sulla professione di spogliarellista maschio. Il regista Charlie David spiega così il suo lavoro: “Il film vuole essere un intrattenimento ma anche una riflessione sulla nuova sessualità. Viviamo in un’epoca post-femminista e siamo bombardati sui media da immagini di nudo maschile, sia per provocare che per dare piacere. Con questo film ho voluto essenzialmente rispondere a queste due domande: Stiamo raggiungendo la perequazione nello sfruttamento dei sessi? E quanto e come i giovani uomini si sentono condizionati nei confronti del proprio corpo, della propria mascolinità e della disintegrazione delle varie etichette intorno alla sessualità?”



trailer: I'm a Stripper



I’m a Stripper follows the lives of male strippers in the sexiest cities in N. America – Montréal, Niagara Falls and Las Vegas. Each guy has been selected to create a dynamic perspective on the reality of making a living in the buff. Is it about money? Is it a sexual turn-on? How did they get here? What do their families and friends think? Do they take their work home with them? How much do they make? Is it competitive on the floor trying to get private dances? What is life like away from the club? How do they size up a client? How do our straight boys feel about dancing for dudes? And the gay boys dancing for ladies? What gives them wood? What makes it limp?


I like to make films about sexuality – how we as a society embrace or are repulsed by it, what some see as artistic expression and others view as pornography, and where the seeds for these often very visceral reactions begin.

I’m a Stripper is entertainment but it also delves into a provocative new era of sexual liberation and expression. Living in a post feminist era we are now bombarded with the male form undressed for pleasure, for provocation, and as a catalyst in advertising and media. I wanted to explore the questions of: 1) Are we reaching equalization in the exploitation of the sexes? And 2) How are young men being conditioned to perceive their own bodies, their constructs of masculinity, and the disintegration of labels around sexuality?

‘Boys will be boys’ as the saying goes and we were invited onto a pleasure island while filming I’m a Stripper. As a young twenty-something, I witnessed several handsome friends suddenly working in the adult industry – either as strippers or in video. I always wondered how much was enough for them to say yes to that world and the lifestyle that went with it. To what extent will a young person push their body, their will, or their sexual preference in order to grab some quick cash? The answer of course is not easy and each subject we worked with presented their own set of motivations – everything from lust for dollars, an addiction to attention, or simply loving to dance!

Directing this documentary was such an adventure because I was able to immerse myself outside my comfort zone, grow and be challenged by the experience. There were many times while interviewing when I had to keep my fist planted firmly under my jaw so it wouldn’t fall to the floor. These guys are shocking, competitive, profane, yet endearing. Like moss – their charm will grow on you as it feeds from you so keep some dollar bills nearby.

Charlie David

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