I Feel Like Disco

I Feel Like Disco
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I Feel Like Disco

Florian è un ragazzo grasso, innamorato della disco music anni 70 tedesca e con un rapporto difficile con il padre, il rude Hanno. In realtà, a casa, la vera coppia sono Florian e sua mamma, con cui può cantare, travestirsi e dimenticare tutti i problemi. Hanno non sa che fare col figlio, è un annoiato istruttore di nuoto che non sa nulla di musica e non riesce a trasmettere il suo amore per lo sport. C’è di più: l’adolescente non prova nessun interesse per le ragazze. La mamma regge un fragile filo che protegge i due uomini uno dall’altro fino a che, improvvisamente, dovrà lasciarli. Starà a padre e figlio, adesso, trovare un terreno comune su cui crescere. Surreale, camp, assurdo, tenero sono tutti aggettivi che descrivono questo racconto di coming of age che ha come sfondo una Berlino fuori dall’hype. Il giovane regista Alex Ranisch ha già presentato Dicke Madchen al 27° TGLFF. Un cameo di Rosa von Praunheim. (TGLFF)



trailer: I Feel Like Disco



Florian (Frithjof Gawenda) is a chubby teen who loves disco and struggles with his sexuality. He does not seem to fit anywhere. He has no interest in sports or girls. His father, Hanno (Heiko Pinkowski) is overbearing and does not understand him at all. His job is training divers and he knows that his relationship with his son is strained, almost to the breaking point. When Florian’s mother, Monika (Christina Grosse) suffers a stroke and is in a coma, father and son have to find a way to reconcile their relationship and this is what the film is all about.
This is a bittersweet story of a family in which the members learn how to accept each other. Directed by Axel Ranish, this coming-of-age story is funny, painful, honest and absurd. (What more could we want?). The movie sits somewhere between reality and fantasy and between tragedy and farce. Here is a simple story that somehow manages to come across as complex. Florian has to deal with his sexual awakening and a personal tragedy. He was close to his mother and in fact, she is his only friend and she would indulge his overly active imagination and his love for the pop star, is idol, Christian Steiffen.
When his mother has a brain hemorrhage, Florian’s world is blown into pieces. He keeps hoping that she will awaken even though the doctors have said that is no chance of that. His father really tries to salvage their relationship by taking him to the pool and while there, Florian notices one of his father’s students, Radu (Robert Alexander Baer) and soon develops a crush on him.
There are serious issues in the film and we see some raw and painful emotion but this is tempered by fantasy sequences that almost seem real. Florian’s singing idol, for example, appears as a fantasy version of himself and becomes guide and muse for Florian. Florian sits by his mother’s bedside for hours and imagines that she is awake but this is no god for him.
When Hanno Realizes did Florian is gay , he imagines watching a self-help video on the topic ; the bit is funny but is totally wrong for the rest of the movie . There are some very real coming-of-age moments and there is great resonance in seeing Florian’s first love and his first heartbreak. Gawenda walks away from this film with it in his pocket. His portrayal of Florian is subtle and yet brave. We see him naked both physically and internally and he wins our hearts. It is quite an experience to watch this film that stays with us long after it is over. (Amos Lassen, reviewsbyamoslassen.com)

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