Hens and Chicks

Hens and Chicks
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Hens and Chicks

Cresciuta dalle sue due mamme, la piccola Hannah non ha mai pensato alla logistica delle famiglie diverse, finché un giorno un amichetto le spiega il processo che da un uovo porta a una gallina. Presto la piccola, dopo un giretto educativo su internet, chiederà: “Chi è il mio gallo?”



trailer: Hens and Chicks



Raised by her two moms, Hanna has always known that there are all types of families. But she’s never really thought about the logistics of it all until her friend Marco explains the process of creating chicks from eggs. Soon after, an educational trip through cyberspace has Hanna asking, “Who’s MY rooster?”

Hens and Chicks is a short independent film that explores the meaning of family and the finding of self. Sweet and funny, this coming-of-age story plays with the universal questions we ask ourselves as parents, children, and human beings.

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