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Debutto alla regia di Brandon Ruckdashel, attore gay dichiarato che esordì con l’intrigante “Boy in a Bathtub”, che dichiara di essersi ispirato alle molte storie che possono accadere ai giovani che arrivano a New York con la speranza di realizzare il loro sogno di diventare attori o modelli. Brandon spiega che “non ho voluto fare un’altro film LGBT stile commedia camp, come ce ne sono tanti, ma cercare di andare più a fondo nel mondo di “Looking”, rappresentando personaggi veri, reali, anche se non sono un esempio di rettitudine. Ho voluto mettere a fuoco figure lontane dagli stereotipi della comunità gay, mettere una lente, magari scomoda, sugli aspetti più squallidi ma realistici che girano dentro e intorno alla comunità gay”. Luke (Tyler Austin) è un innocente adolescente alla ricerca della sua identità sessuale che abbandona la sua casa abusiva nel  New Jersey dopo una violenta lite con il padre (Jose Ramos), inseguendo la promessa di un lavoro come modello a New York. Arrivato a Port Authority incontra Rich (Jon Fleming, Dante’s Cove), un agente di modelli,  senza scrupoli, che aveva conosciuto online. L’agente lo convince a posare per la rivista ‘Rock Hard’ e lo passa al suo investitore (Jordan Joseph) per lavorare come escort. Dopo aver assistito alla degradazione di Michael (Jay Reum), un’altro modello nelle mani di Rich, Luke tenta di respingere le avances di Rich. Tim  (Brandon  Ruckdashel) un ex escort che ora lavora come fotografo e conduce una doppia vita nonostante sia impegnato con una giovane donna (Sarah Lazar), si invaghisce di Luke. Tim nasconde a Luke sia il suo passato come escort che il suo futuro matrimonio etero. Quando Rich, in una scena culminante, tenta di violentare Luke, Tim deve decidere se mantenere segreta la sua doppia vita o adoperarsi per salvare Luke…


Grinder is a film about Luke (Tyler Austin), an innocent teenager, in search of his sexual identity, who leaves his abusive home in the suburbs for the promise of a modeling job in New York City. Once there he meets Rich, Jon Fleming (Dante’s Cove, Couple’s Retreat), an unscrupulous model agent and is dragged into the dark world of New York nightlife. Tim, Brandon Ruckdashel (Co-Ed Confidential, The Lair, Changing the Game), a photographer who leads a double life and is engaged to a young woman (Sarah Lazar). After meeting Luke he becomes obsessed, and tries to save him from his fate. Grinder is a dark Psychological Thriller set amongst the grit of New York City. It is part Midnight Cowboy and part American Beauty. Also appearing in the film are Jose Ramos, Jay Reum, Julian Gavilanes (Blue Bloods, Z Nation), and Joshua Dye. Grinder was written by Brandon Ruckdashel and is his directorial debut.



trailer: Grinder


Note di regia:

Grinder is a story that is very close to my heart. Each year young men come to New York chasing after their dreams of becoming actors and models. These aspiring artists meet with various characters over the early parts of their career and it was my hope to breathe life into a few of these people. The seed for Grinder was planted when my long time business partner, Barney Oldfield, and I decided to make an LGBT film in December of 2013. In a typical Arkoff style approach we shot a prototype poster and came up with a title. A major influence on our selection of title was the famous cover of a woman going through a meat grinder illustrated by William Nirenberg for Hustler magazine. A Grinder seemed to be the perfect representation of what New York does to young talent in their first few years in town. After several rounds of auditioning we had a cast which we were quite happy with, matching both the aesthetic that we were going for and the talent to pull it off. The independent market for LGBT films is saturated with campy comedies and we decided to do something which has rarely been accomplished. I wanted to make a thriller which took the focus off of the more caricatured gay community and placed an almost uncomfortable lens on the seedier aspects. I was unhappy with the typical formula of one man, one queen, one lesbian, and a fly. It felt overdone and if we were going to make an impact in the post ”Looking” (HBO) environment we needed to focus on characters who came off as more genuine real world people. The script itself went through numerous rounds of rewrites and I think my good friend Brandon Max- well deserves a huge credit in tearing me apart on that first script. He saw something greater within what I was doing and stretched me even further than I thought I was capable of as a writer. Wes Cole and Gregg Colbert came into the picture in September of 2014. Barney and I were running our weekly screening series and we had Wes’s film “Playing Warhol” in the program for the night. He and I spoke and after convincing him horror films were a bad idea he asked what we were up to. The rest is history. The true credit for completing this film goes to our crew though. Without Derek Means, Alexa Wolf, and Ryan Schwerzler we would have no picture to speak of. They carried lights up two floor walk ups and created a cinematic vision of what had been germinating in my brain. Chris Claypool, who is per- haps the best sound recordist I have ever worked with. In a twelve day shoot I only remember hearing “BOOM!” once and that is a true accomplishment for his first feature film. I think everyone involved really has a movie they can be proud of!

Brandon Ruckdashel

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