The Good Son

The Good Son
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The Good Son

Un giovane israeliano di 22 anni intende sottoporsi ad una delicata operazione chirurgica in Thailandia che gli permette di cambiare sesso. Con una scusa si fa prestare i soldi dai genitori, molto conservatori, e parte per Bangkok. Finalmente donna conosce altre persone transgender che gli danno il coraggio di affrontae la sua famiglia e affermare la propria identità. Con questo documentario israeliano, richiesto esplicitamente dal suo protagonista, continua la strada di apertura verso la libertà di genere iniziata dalla cantante Dana International. Un on the road in cui emergono le difficoltà di una regista che, anche se per altri motivi, ha dovuto combattere contro i pregiudizi di una cultura restrittiva. (



trailer: The Good Son



The unbelievable story of 22 year old Or, who secretly finances his sex change operation in Thailand by lying to his conservative parents – and then returns home as a woman to face her new life, her family and the cost of living her dream. Will she make her mother and father accept he back? Will she learn to take responsibility for her actions? The Good Son explores how far we are forced to go in compromising our morals, our loved ones and everything familiar to us in order to become whole with ourselves.

Note di regia:

It’s not often in life that we can say we are the only person who is able to tell a particular story, but this is one of those cases when I truly can and must. Not only because I’m the only one in the world who knows it, but because I immediately realized that this story raised critical questions that hadn’t been brought to the screen before. As a filmmaker, I am committed to telling intimate, challenging stories that provoke audiences to confront crucial and often overlooked issues in our society.
So, when I received an email from Or who had seen one of my previous films, confiding in me that he was secretly planning to have a sex change and that no one else knew about it, I instantly took an interest. From my first meeting with Or, I was riveted by him and his story, but I was also deeply troubled by certain aspects of it. I saw a desperate young man committing completely immoral acts, and debated whether it was ethical as a filmmaker to document his journey. However, as my relationship with Or deepened, I realized that he wasn’t an immoral person, but rather it was our society that lead him to commit such immoral acts and tap into his primal need to survive. For all these reasons, I felt that Or’s story had to be told, and I was the only one who could tell it.
I believe it’s crucial that the film reaches as wide an audience as possible in order to create a dialogue that can open people’s hearts and minds around this pressing social issue and creating a dialog for change for a better future.

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