The story revolves around two teenage outcasts that come from different backgrounds, one struggling in debt and drugs, the other struggling with a strict dad and no parental love. They meet one summer to discover friendship and a sexual awakening that changes their lives forever.
With a high profile supporting cast that includes Marcia Warren (Leap Year/Lady Killers) Sara Stewart (Sugar Rush/Philomena) and Alex Macqueen (Inbetweeners/I give it a year)
The film’s score is written and performed by Benson Taylor who was styled as the “New Sound of Hollywood” by Moviescope magazine in their 24th issue. The film also features songs from 6 female singer songwriters including critically acclaimed artists Carrie Harber and Miri who is getting airplay on BBC.
The story is inspired by actual events from the life of director Kate Lane. ‘I wanted to tell a story that was personal to me and could have an impact on young girls that may have gone through a similar experience’
‘Kate and Rebecca set out with nothing and against all the odds produced an end product that is beautiful, poetic and cinematic and that encompasses a story about love, trust and freedom’ (Joe Morell, Weber Shandwick)
‘Your passion and commitment is very inspiring and rare… it will move mountains.’ (Sara Stewart)
“A beautiful portrait of self-discovery, Fear of Water is an honest depiction of conquering one’s fears, breaking out from one’s shell, and finding happiness even from unexpected sources. In the summer that changed everything, magic happens between Alexia and Eleanor that is well worth watching! (ROCHESTER LGBT Film Festival )
“A charm of its own with the utter sensitivity with which the two main characters are depicted” (LE PACT)
Both Alexia (the rich girl, played by Lily Loveless) and Eleanor (the poor girl, played by Chloe Partridge) appear to be capable and caring. Each girl has her own problems–Alexia’s mother is gone, and her grandmother dies on the day after she returns from school for summer vacation.
Eleanor has an out-of-work disabled father and the mother from hell. Eleanor is dealing pot, and apparently harder drugs as well.
Still, their friendship appears genuine, and you can’t help wanting that relationship, and their lives, to succeed.
I found the ending of movie to be somewhat contrived. Also, you can tell that Kate Lane is a new director–she hasn’t learned how to give us a sense of location. We move from the mean streets to the mansion, to the council flats to a beautiful idyllic lake to an abandoned–but immaculate–playground almost by magic. We viewers need some sense of how we got from A to B and back. She’s a good director, and I’m sure she’ll learn how to manage this. (IMDB)