Families Like Yours

Families Like Yours
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Families Like Yours

Il 15 luglio del 2010, primo stato del Sudamerica e decimo nel mondo, l’Argentina ha approvato una legge che consente il matrimonio anche alle coppie dello stesso sesso e, di conseguenza, esse potranno, una volta sposate, procedere all’adozione di minori. Naturalmente gli effetti politici e culturali sulla società civile sono stati dirompenti in un Paese fortemente cattolico. A partire da quella di Elva, un’anziana signora che ha sposato la sua amica di gioventù, Luisa, con il consenso delle figlie avute dal suo precedente matrimonio con un uomo e divenute simbolo della nuova era, una serie di interviste a genitori omosessuali che hanno finalmente legalizzato il proprio “stato di famiglia” e a buon diritto diventare veri padri e madri. (ToGay)



trailer: Families Like Yours


Familias Por Igual follows the stories of five gay parents and their families, who share how their lives have changed since the Argentine government legalized same-sex marriage in 2010.
Created by Rodolfo Moro and Marcos Duszcazk in conjunction with FALGBT, the Argentine LGBT Federation and INCAA, the National Institute for Film and Audiovisual Arts, the film also shows interviews with professors, doctors and politicians to get first-hand accounts of how the country’s marriage equality law has affected daily life in Argentina.
Duszcazk said in the interview: ‘The film’s objective is to to demystify the subject of homosexuality, to show that each person has their own style of living, that there are families with two dads and two moms that are just like every other family, with parents who raise their children the same way’.
Esteban Paulón, president of the FALGBT said: ‘it gives us great pleasure that Familias por Igual can tour the whole country since it’s one of the first audiovisual productions that reflects, two years since passing the Marriage Equality law, the consequences and effects that the ruling has had on the daily life of our families.

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