Ella es el matador

Ella es el matador
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Ella es el matador

Si può sognare di svolgere un lavoro tradizionalmente riservato ai maschi e, per farlo, modificare tutta la propria vita? Puntuale riflessione sugli stereotipi dei ruoli sociali, il film è il racconto di una vocazione femminile testarda che non si ferma di fronte a nessuna difficoltà. (GDFF) Il film è la storia documentaria di due donne che hanno scelto come professione di fare le torere. Eva Florencia è una principiante di origine italiana e Maripaz Vega è l’unica donna professionista torera al mondo. Seguendo queste due determinate donne nell’arco di sette anni, impariamo incredibili cose sul mondo delle corride e sul loro difficile inserimento in uno sport assolutamente maschile. Mentre le due donne perseguono gli stessi sogni e obiettivi dei loro colleghi maschi, sono anche costrette a combattere non solo contro i tori ma anche contro decenni di pregiudizi e proibizioni legali. Questo dramma degli inizi del XX secolo ci è raccontato attraverso riprese d’archivio, brevi interviste con storici del settore e con il racconto della vita delle due donne.



trailer: Ella es el matador



A fight between man and beast, bullfighting has carried rich symbolism of fertility and power through the centuries, glorifying the male fighter and contributing to a rigid definition of gender roles. So sacred was this preconception of masculinity that a 1908 Spanish law banned women from participating in bullfighting. The law, however, has not stopped brave women from entering the arena, facing a fierce bull and fighting gender-based prejudice. Legendary María Salome, also known as La Reverte, chose to disguise herself as man, while Juanita Cruz wore a mask and a skirt to preserve her femininity, despite the impracticality and danger. Angela Hernández, who was banned from bullfighting during the Franco regime, challenged her case in the court on the basis of discrimination. Through primary interviews shot in verité style interspersed with archival footage of the history of women in bullfighting, Ella es el Matador, (formerly She Wants to be a Matador) is a character-driven documentary that illuminates how modern female matadors are navigating and establishing themselves in an overwhelmingly masculine profession.


Bullfighting is the quintessential symbol of masculinity and bravery in Spanish culture. For the directors, born and raised in Spain, making this documentary about female matadors means changing this symbol and shifting the gender roles that have been defined for centuries. It has also been a personal journey of exploring and questioning a culture. After working on the film for 8 years, the goal is an intuitive, provocative and intimate film. In this directorial debut, the intention is to open a window for viewers to enter into a unique world without judgment, focusing on the universal struggle of our two protagonists. Talcual Films, meaning “as it is,” will continue to produce character-driven documentaries and thought-provoking films that shed light on universal themes of human struggle and hope. (Cart. St.)

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