Eating Out 4: Drama Camp

Eating Out 4: Drama Camp
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Eating Out 4: Drama Camp

La relazione tra Zack e Casey è passata dal caldo bollente al freddo gelido. Ma tutto potrebbe cambiare quando i nostri due piccioncini vengono ammessi al campo estivo della compagnia teatrale di Dick Dickey, un bizzarro dandy che non fa sesso da sette anni e che ha messo come regola numero uno del campo la proibizione assoluta di fare sesso. Appena arrivati la situazione tra Zack e Casey sembra peggiorare per il fatto che Zack ha messo gli occhi addosso ad un altro aitante campeggiatore, Benji, che però, accortosi che Zack è lì col fidanzato, dice di essere etero. Senonchè capita che proprio a Zack e Benji viene affidata la parte di due amanti gay in una commedia di Shakespeare. Nel campo troviamo anche Jason, un direttore etero che s’innamora di Lilly, una ragazza transgender… Fedele allo spirito della serie, anche questo film offre divertimento e sesso a non finire, ma non aspettatevi di più.


Un commento

  1. Il quarto film della serie eating out, che recupera due dei protagonisti già visti nei precedenti, si sposta in campeggio ma dimentica a casa un po’ della tensione erotica che era il filo portante dei primi tre film. Non mancano i fisici scolpiti ed é molto carina l’estensione dei personaggi a quello della dolcissima ragazza trans e dell’etero che se ne innamora, ma per il resto sembra di vedere semplicemente una specie di “american pie in campeggio” in versione gaya. Carino globalmente, divertente a tratti, ma assolutamente privo di quella carica e del fascino che avevano i film precedenti.


trailer: Eating Out 4: Drama Camp


I think this film is a pretty good follow up to the last 3 Eating out series. This film is a typical gay cheesy guilty pleasure film but trust me these kind of films are also needed in addition to some serious thoughtful cinema. Sometimes asa viewer I don’t want to think too much and just want to be entrained. And this film very successfully did that. And not just entertainment, this film has a pretty good helping of eye candy as well which by now you have started to expect from the eating out films.
In this series, the gang heads out for a special thetarical camp headed by experienced Dick Dickey, a weird dude who hasn’t had sex for 7 years now. He has one rule hat there will be no sex on the camp for the duration of the camp which in turn only builds up the sexual tenion. Casey and Zack are going through a rough patch in their relationship. The situation worsens when Zack has instant attraction for another camper Benji. Benji initially comes out too strong towards Zack but he pretends to be straight the moment he figures out that Zack has a boyfriend. The duo are signed up for a Shakespeare modern twist on a story where they are supposed to pplay gay lovers. The film focuses on how both casey and Zack have to come to terms with the fact that there relationship is almost over and is time for them to move on. We also have Jason , the straight director who is starting to fall for Lilly, the transgendered girl. Of course, the film ends with everything fit and fine in place, new friendships, relationships made and a hot sexy camp finished.
As said above, the film is an over the top raunchy comedy which tickles your humour cells in the right places. There are so many places where I just burst out laughing. It will be very difficult to put them all here but trust me they were funny. Most actors in the film are supposed to look smoking hot which they do. As far as acting is concerned, they fit well in the realm of this movie but the real test would come if they did something more, outside this to explore their acting abilities. The surprise part of the film was Lilly’s character. I am glad that the filmmakers decided to keep this angle as well because not many people have dealt with this subject.
This film is a total guilty pleasure whose aim is just for fun with its many witty one liners. (Imdb)

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