The David Dance

The David Dance
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The David Dance

Ambientato a Buffalo, New York, durante un freddo inverno, THE DAVID DANCE è incentrato sul rapporto molto stretto che lega due fratelli, David (Don Scime ) e Kate (Antoinette LaVecchia). David è il conduttore di un programma radiofonico locale chiamato “Gay Talk”, che di solito si concentra su temi leggeri e molto disinvolti. Nei panni del suo personaggio radiofonico “Danger Dave”, David è brillante, spiritoso e adorato da tutti i suoi ascoltatori, mentre quando è fuori trasmissione diventa patologicamente introverso. A trent’anni suonati David non ha ancora fatto coming-out con nessuno ed è solo. Kate è una manager, più volte divorziata, con la passione per la musica classica ed i gatti. Entrambi i fratelli hanno successo nel lavoro, ma dentro di loro soffrono di un grande senso di inadeguatezza. I due sono, sin dall’infanzia, uno il migliore amico dell’altra: David supporta Kate nei suoi complicati rapporti affettivi, mentre Kate è praticamente l’unico contatto con la vita reale di David al di fuori della stazione radio e fa di tutto per procurare al fratello degli appuntamenti con potenziali partner. Un giorno Kate decide di dare una svolta alla sua vita adottando una ragazzina orfana brasiliana e chiede al fratello di fare da figura paterna per la piccola. Questa richiesta mette in crisi David , che nel frattempo è anche alle prese con le sue insicurezze, mentre un suo amabile collega, Chris, mostra interesse per lui. Il film si apre quando il programma radiofonico di David è stato appena annullato e il suo collega Chris gli sta dicendo addio, preparandosi ad abbandonare l’appartamento che i due condividevano e la sorella Kate, da tempo malata, è già morta. Scopriamo poi di più sulla vita di David con una serie di flashback e di salti in avanti nel tempo, che si intrecciano per spiegarci come egli sia arrivato a quel punto e come poi cerchi di cambiare le cose, imparando faticosamente ad accettare e ad amare se stesso. Il titolo del film richiama una scena cruciale in cui David si ritrova turbato a dover ballare con Chris, che ancora non conosce, durante il ricevimento di uno dei matrimoni della sorella. Diretto con grande sensibilità dalla regista televisiva Aprill Winney, THE DAVID DANCE si basa sull’omonimo lavoro teatrale di Don Scime che qui è anche produttore oltre che protagonista. (MM)



trailer: The David Dance


David, the host of a local gay radio show in Buffalo, New York, struggles with self-doubt when his single sister asks him to be the father figure for her soon to be adopted Brazilian child. This story explores the exceptionally colorful relationship between a brother and sister, and the impact of the spoken word on the human spirit.


“‘The David Dance’ is an achingly beautiful motion picture… A powerful story… Lingers in your mind long after the film is over… A definite see.” – Bob Garrett, (Tallgrass Film Festival, Audience Award: Best Narrative Feature)

“Once I reached the end I was overwhelmed with all different kinds of emotions and plenty of tears. Truly one of those movies that gets to the heart and soul of a person. If you have ever felt love of any kind, this movie is for you… “The David Dance” is the surprise of the LGBT circuit.” – Scott Douglass, Edge on the Net

“Don Scimé is brilliant as a DJ on a late night gay radio show… Writer Scimé and director Aprill Winney do a great job flashing back and forth in time keeping the movie and story moving and peeling back layers to to the onion that may definitely bring you to tears.” – Kevin M. Thomas,

“A wonderfully engaging story with people I found very easy to love. And it made my girlfriend cry, but I forgive them, because she was crying because it was so good.” – Jason Watches Movies (Cinequest Film Festival)

“This impressive, utterly charming, wee indie film is the creation of its writer and star Don Scimé…His passion for the project is evident from the first frame as he gives such a compelling and wonderfully low-key performance that so perfectly captures every little nuance of David’s struggle. It would be something of a tragedy if this film does not eventually get the full audience it deserves.” – Queertiques

“Director Aprill Winney does beautiful work in this searing portrait of a gay man in a complex, evolving world.” – New Hope Film Festival Blog


Late into the night he is Danger Dave, but when this chatty highly-opinionated dj turns off the mike after his gay radio show in Buffalo NY is over, he reverts back into shy Dave who is someone who has a hard time accepting himself let alone interacting with others. When the movie opens his show has just been cancelled and he is saying goodbye to Chris his assistant, who also happens to be his soon-to-be ex-boyfriend who is moving out of the apartment they share. It seems like there is really no hope and no life for our hero beyond the studio, but luckily for Dave (and us) all is not lost as we soon find out in this quirky and utterly charming wee tale.
We discover more about hapless Dave’s life in a series of flashbacks and glimpses into the future, starting with an eerie confrontation in the car park with his older sister who it turns out died a few years back. Katie had always been in her shy brother’s case even when she was alive, and whilst she raced through a few marriages of her own before her 40th birthday, David hadn’t even ‘come out’ to anyone, least alone himself, until he was 30 years old. Despite all her efforts that he refused to participate in, he had never had even a glimpse of a loving relationship yet.
It turns out that he had met Chris four years prior to him working at the Radio Station when he happened to be at the same hotel where Katie was celebrating her latest wedding and she had dragged this total stranger into the event and insisted he dance with David. He did and for one brief moment it looked like they may have even waltzed off there and then.
However before Katie had died she had started to fulfill her long held dream that she always had of being a mother, although she even had difficulty persuading her brother to get involved and support her efforts to adopt a 9 year Brazilian orphan girl. Without giving too many of the plot twists away, when David loses his sister it seems to propel him to appreciate the fact that we never are really meant to be alone, and if we can accept that fact, and our destiny, then maybe we can find out who we really are and before it is too late. So you can put those Kleenexes away at the end.
This impressive wee indie film was the creation of its writer and star Don Scime who adapted it from his stage play of the same name. It evidently took Scime some ten years to get it onto the screen and his passion for the project is evident from the first frame as he gives such a compelling and wonderfully low-key performance that so perfectly captures every little nuance of David’s struggle. Initially David is hard to understand, let alone like, but as the tale unfolds and we learn about he came to develop his Jekyll and Hyde personality, it all makes such perfect sense.
Currently playing the Film Festival, it would be something of a tragedy if this film does not eventually get the full audience it deserves. (, voto 10/10)

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