An autobiographical film taken from the experiences of writer-director Rob Moretti, CRUTCH is a coming-of-age tale about a young man’s struggle with family problems and substance abuse. Behind a facade of suburban middle class perfection, David’s home life is falling apart. As he tries to cope with the impossible situation, the troubled and impressionable teenager falls under the spell of Kenny, a georgous, thirty-something, has-been actor turned theatre coach. When Kenny’s “support” escalates into seduction, David slowly decends into an abyss of drinking and drug addition from which he must escape if he is to survive. CRUTCH is a dramatic tale of the confusion of youth and the difficulties in finding oneself. (Imdb)
“…Crutch isn’t a bad film, just a misguided and confused one. Perhaps that’s appropriate, as those qualities reflect both the main character and the state of mind of its writer/director. Rob Moretti’s propensity to lay himself completely bare for his art is admirable in a way. The performances, while a little amateurish, are earnest and rather raw. None of this adds up to an effective movie, however. I suppose it’s another of those cases where I may admire the effort, but can’t appreciate the product.” (
Everybody in David’s life is an idiot except David (Eben Gordon) himself, a good-looking 16-year-old in suburban New Jersey.
When his parents separate, his mother, Katie (Juanita Walsh), takes to alcohol in a big way. She is soon admitted to a rehab center after receiving 27 stitches in her chin from a fall she was too drunk to feel. David’s brother and sister don’t want to deal with Mom now that she’s a mental invalid, so they just don’t. The burden falls on David.
You would think that someone would be on his side and listen to his troubles. For a while, that person is the gorgeous new drama teacher, Kenny (Rob Moretti), but it turns out that Kenny just wants sex. This is something David, who is as straight as an arrow (well, he has a girlfriend), has never thought of, especially not with a man in his 30’s. But David falls into a relationship with the older man, which leads directly to his drug problems. And Kenny isn’t even gracious enough to be happy for David when he gets the first movie role he auditions for. At least that’s how David sees it.
Mr. Moretti, who wrote and directed this self-conscious but nicely structured drama, has made it very clear that David is his alter ego and that these things really happened to him. Moviegoers could probably guess that; the film has the feel of being told because it happened, not because the meaning gleaned from it needed to be expressed. “Crutch” doesn’t have the texture or power of “Blue Car,” Karen Moncrieff’s 2002 film with Agnes Bruckner as the neglected, emotionally needy teenager and David Strathairn as the high school poetry teacher who takes advantage.
“Crutch,” which opens today at the Quad Cinema in Manhattan, does sound a note of real anguish, however. David begins the film by telling an unseen audience, “She found her escape, and I found mine.” But the film also has Zack (Tim Loftus), a shopkeeper who is one of the most offensive gay screen characters in recent memory. Why is his over-the-top swishiness sure to make audiences cringe while Sean Hayes’s similar style as Jack McFarland on the sitcom “Will & Grace” is adorable? Maybe it’s the old story about the importance of an actor loving his character. (Anita Gates, New York Times)
““I want to be somebody else, but they’re all taken,” might well sum up the personas of the main characters in director/writer/actor Rob Moretti’s cinematic confessional as to what it was like growing up in a dysfunctional family, realizing a predilection for same-sex relationships, falling in lust/love with a hot-looking teacher, tasting the joy of temporary escape when acting and then sinking into the haze of drugs, booze and despair after a growing number of rejections from the company of others.
Moretti casts himself as Kenny Griffith, the prowling stage-and-screen mentor whose very success ensured the end of a career when the only lines that mattered were made of cocaine. It must have been a fascinating experience playing alongside the camera-friendly Eben Gordon, starring as the “pretty boy,” “Momma’s boy” David Graham who falls head over scenes for his showbiz coach, both risking scandal, censure and job loss if their tryst becomes public. The duo work well together generating some real heat as the initial flushed cheeks, front-seat groping (apparently oblivious to the two beards—one purposely, the other imagining it was her charms that drove David’s fantasies) then carnal bliss (extremely tastefully done, due in no small part to Brian Fass’ ever-sensitive cinematography). But soon there’s so much trouble in paradise that their dangerous ecstasy becomes more fuelled with artificial crutches than genuine devotion and respect.
The Graham household is a mess. Mom (stoically rendered by Juanita Walsh) is the classic alcoholic, hiding bottles in enough places around the middle class home that her addiction will never go dry. Dad (James Earley) takes his comfort with a sage mistress—Sylvia Norman—who opts to take the tough love approach with her man and his bad-mannered -mouthed kids. Young Lisa (Laura O’Reilly) shows signs of following her mother’s bottled joy while elder brother Michael soon seeks refuge with his girlfriend at her parents’ house. Finally admitted into detox (with a thoughtful encounter between Hope House’s newest patient and Frankie Faison playing the brief role of let’s-finally-face-the-facts therapist), the siblings fend for themselves with David taking on the matriarchal duties.
If no other point is made throughout the familial part of the narrative, it’s entirely clear that the complete lack of communication amongst the Graham clan is at the root of all of their discontents.
Fleshing out the queer side of things are Kenny’s fag hag with the patience of Job (Jennifer Katz is a model of empathy) and the over-the-top Queen of the Bookstore (Tim Loftus) whose dialogue and performance threaten to slip into parody purgatory with every succeeding flame. Nonetheless, there’s a marvellous feeling from David that he’s totally enthralled with his extra-swishy confidante. How is that ever taught in acting school?
Although many of the characters are sculpted from stereotypical clay, they do serve their dramatic purposes. The pervasive feeling that misery loves company is reinforced with every lie that is either told or revealed. Sadly, there are no heroes in this life-drawn tale of slipping over the abyss of disappointment but—somehow, giving others hope—managing to rise above it.
Those twin notions come to wonderful aural life thanks to Ben Goldberg’s poetically orchestrated score (with a decidedly chamber music feel artfully led by full-throated woodwinds) and the bevy of songs that helps everyone on their disparate/desperate ways.
An especially deft image/sound combination appears magically on the screen as David’s personal journal’s pages flip with the wind even as a patchwork of their angst-laden comments are heard in their original voices.
Now that Moretti has purged his difficult past, it’s time to bear down on the plight of others, bringing more of those to cinematic life, all the while ensuring those dear to him don’t plummet down the same slope of artificial happiness because what really matters in their lives never made it into a conversation.” (
Basso budget e si vede: la sceneggiatura è scialba, la regia a metà strada tra teatrale e televisiva. Alcuni attori non sono convincenti (il padre del protagonista è terribile, la madre appena sufficiente, la sorella insufficiente); si potrebbe scambiarla una produzione italiana di livello medio-alto (il protagonista da noi vincerebbe un David di Donatello), invece è un prodotto USA riuscito maluccio. Le scene d’amore sono fredde, i baci (pochi per fortuna) sembrano esprimere disgusto. Peccato, perché non è la solita storiella molto americana del ragazzo pieno di talento che ottiene il riscatto grazie all’impegno. Niente di tutto ciò. Questa è vita reale, in cui i sogni s’infrangono contro la dura realtà, gli amici fanno più danni che altro, la sopravvivenza dipende esclusivamente dalla propria forza interiore. Non tutti passano la selezione naturale della vita.