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L’annuncio che la sorella ha intenzione di avere un figlio, risveglia sentimenti paterni e familiari a un giovane e disincantato insegnate ebreo felicemente single e gay. Per scrollarsi di dosso i dubbi e tornare se stesso si abbandona a un’orgia bareback a New York. Ma poi c’è un incontro. “Per chi ama le sensazioni forti, Chaser, dello statunitense Sal Bardo, è l’ideale. Un giovane docente ebreo gay, nel sentire che la sorella avrà un figlio, prova dello scoramento al pensiero che non sarà padre. Per esorcizzare questo pensiero, la sua mente vaga nell’universo del sesso, immaginando i rapporti più vari, fino a un’orgia finale.” (V. Patanè)



trailer: Chaser


Alienated from his conservative Jewish family and community, a promising, young, gay schoolteacher seeks solace in New York’s barebacking scene.

“‘Bug chasing’ is a subject most people either don’t know about, don’t want to admit is happening, or just don’t want to talk about. We’re not interested in condemning or condoning anyone’s behavior. Instead, our goal with this narrative short is to start a dialogue and ask one simple question: Why?” – Sal Bardo


The urge for destruction is also a creative one.’ So says Zach (Max Rhyser) in Chaser, Sal Bardo’s short about the escape into New York City’s barebacking community. Zach is, of course, a teacher – the shortcut to easy parallels between a character’s public and private lives. He’s discussing his students’ creative writing, but it’s really about his own perverse desire for illicit pleasure. It’s a poor way to dig into this character, but the short’s later stretch inside a barebacking party – ‘No condoms. It’s rude.’ – gives Bardo’s stylish flair room to stretch its wings and the physicality of the piece ultimately makes it worth engaging with. (

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