Big Gay Love

Big Gay Love
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Big Gay Love

Bob sembra avere apparentemente tutto: un lavoro appagante come “party planner”, degli amici favolosi, e si appresta a comprare casa. Ma per gli standard della comunità gay maschile ha un grave difetto: è piuttosto grassottello, il che fa di lui l’uomo che tutti adorano, ma che nessuno desidera. Finalmente durante un party incontra Andy e se ne innamora. Ma quando Andy sparisce di punto in bianco, le insicurezze di Bob prendono il sopravvento. Ormai convinto che il problema sia il suo fisico, si lascia convincere dai suoi migliori amici a fare aerobica, e arriva a prendere in considerazione l’idea di sottoporsi a un intervento di chirurgia plastica…
Big Gay Love è un’imperdibile commedia sui devastanti effetti provocati da una cultura sempre più ossessionata dalla forma fisica, e sul bisogno di sentirsi accettati così come si è: “è il mio tentativo di rendere normale l’immagine e l’esperienza quotidiana di gay comuni, che lavorano instancabilmente per accedere a diritti e privilegi che gli eterosessuali danno per scontati” (Ringo Le). Secondo lungometraggio del regista di origini vietnamite, dopo Saigon Love Story (2006). (Gender Bender)




Big Gay Love is a comedy about a chubby gay man who overcomes discrimination based on his looks to find love on his own terms. The devastating effect of our physique-obsessed culture is explored in the comedy Big Gay Love. In the movie, Bob appears to have it all: a great job, fabulous friends, and is about to become a first time home buyer. But his success hasn’t come without a price for Bob has become the chubby gay man everyone adores, but nobody desires. When true love does find Bob in the form of a chef named Andy, he doubts if the relationship could be real for his years of living in insecurity has gotten the best of him. To keep up appearances with his friends, Bob considers going under the knife to fit in and be perfect. But underneath it all he longs for something more. (Imdb)


Big Gay Love is a comedy about a chubby gay man who overcomes discrimination based on his looks to find love on his own terms!
The devastating effect of our physique-obsessed culture is explored in the comedy Big Gay Love. In the movie, Bob (played by Jonathan Lisecki of Gayby) appears to have it all – a great job, fabulous friends, and is about to become a first time homebuyer. But his success hasn’t come without a price for Bob has become the chubby gay man everyone adores, but nobody desires. When true love does find Bob in the form of a chef named Andy (Nicholas Brendon), his comical insecurities about being loved spills to the seams and gets the best of him. To keep up appearances with his friends, Bob considers plastic surgery to fit in and be perfect. But underneath it all he longs for something more.
Big Gay Love is a love letter for everyone who’s ever wanted to be accepted for themselves regardless of their color, shape, or size.
We are making Big Gay Love because we are tired of seeing rom-com movies about beautiful people looking for sex and pretending it’s love, okay? Let’s dig deeper people!
In Big Gay Love, we turn the tables around the convention of beauty and shift the lens to a man named Bob, a fabulously hard-working man who has many things going for him in life. But it has been increasingly difficult for Bob to love himself because of the world he lives in. As a party planner who throws hip parties he is surrounded by models, actors, and beautiful people. Consequently, Bob has lost himself and can no longer see his own beauty. That is until Andy comes into his life and turns it upside down.
In “Big Gay Love” we shift the lens of what it means to be beautiful!


Jonathan Lisecki (Gayby) stars in this unconventional take on the standard Hollywood romcom formula, as a socially awkward gay guy in the stock Meg Ryan/Kate Hudson role, with a cult-TV heartthrob cast as his potential soul mate—as they attempt to find Big Gay Love. A successful but insecure party planner, Bob desperately searches for love on his own terms in body image–obsessed Los Angeles. He has a steady job, plenty of friends, a kooky bewigged mom, and enough money saved up to plunk down for his first house. But he’s not toned or ripped, and he suspects that’s the reason he doesn’t have a dreamy boyfriend with whom to share life’s precious moments and adopt a couple of Lhasa apsos. Enter Andy (Nicholas Brendon of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Psycho Beach Party fame), a successful chef/restaurateur he meets at a catered party for Bob’s quirky gal pal. Their romance blossoms, but Bob’s insecurities run amok when their relationship gets physical. In an attempt to fit in with his vapid gym-rat friends (who provide loads of unrelenting comic relief), Bob makes an appointment with the plastic surgeon to become “perfect” and finally fit in. Wacky hijinks and heartwarming moments ensue, with some unexpected twists. With Big Gay Love, writer-director Ringo Le cleverly crafts a love letter to everyone who’s ever wanted to be accepted as themselves regardless of their color, shape, or size. Amen, girl. (Chris Keech, Frameline)

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