Amor eterno

Amor eterno
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Amor eterno

Un film intrigante, diverso da come ci aveva promesso il titolo, tutto centrato su alcune tipologie di lussuriosi, incuranti delle nefaste conseguenze dei loro rituali, a volte con esiti letali. Il film ha vinto il premio della giuria come miglor film internazionale all’OutFest di Los Angeles. Carlos è un insegnante cinquantenne di lingua cinese all’università di Barcellona. Fuori dal lavoro ama recarsi in un bosco nei dintorni della città dove si rivela un accanito guardone di coppie, etero e gay, che lì s’incontrano. Quando però lo vediamo incontrare un suo giovane studente, Toni, che da tempo lo stava puntando nell’ambiente scolastico, assistiamo ad un intenso rapporto sessuale tra i due, in macchina (bella scena realistica senza oltrepassare confini hard). Mentre Toni risulta altamente coinvolto, il professore, quando lo rivede a scuola, gli fa capire che si è trattato di una cosa occasionale, che non si ripeterà. Ma Toni non è solo lo studente innamorato, è anche membro di un gruppo di giovani che si dedicano a perversi rituali sessuali nel bosco, spesso con vittime mostrate nelle pagine della cronaca nera locale. Succede quindi che quando Toni si sente rifiutato da Carlos (ignaro di tutto), si rivolge ai suoi strani amici che insieme a lui ordiscono una vendetta. Quando Toni reincontra Carlos una sera nel bosco, a sorpresa Carlos non rifiuta di fare sesso di nuovo e invita Toni a casa sua. Ma la macchina non riparte ed improvvisamente escono dal nulla gli amici di Toni che si propongono di accompagnare i due. A casa gli amici propongono ai due di svestirsi, come se stesse per iniziare una innocente orgetta. Il guardone Carlos, anziché intimorirsi, si lascia facilmente coinvolgere, senza pensare che le cose non andranno esattamente come si aspettava… Il film viene paragonato ad un altro titolo, “Lo sconosciuto del lago” di Alain Guiraudie, anch’esso ambientato in un bosco di battuage, ma le differenze sono notevoli, sia come stile di rappresentazione, qui più verso l’horror, che come tematica, qui assai lontana dall’indagare comportamenti più interiori che esteriori. Il film ha comunque momenti validi ed anche originali, soprattutto nelle scene di sesso, e nell’l’inclusione di brani musicali, accattivanti ma forse non proprio collegati agli eventi che accadono.



trailer: Amor eterno


Each day after work, Carlos, a language school teacher, frequents the heady surroundings of his local cruising ground. One evening he encounters a teenage boy from his class named Toni, and the two engage in a brief sexual tryst. As the relationship between teacher and student begins to develop, some dark truths emerge about the young man and his mysterious group of friends. Much like Alain Guiraudie’s Stranger by the Lake, Marçal Forés’ follow-up to his acclaimed debut Animals (BFI Flare 2013) continues to explore the perils of illicit sexual encounters, but with an edge of youthful impudence. Characterised by meticulous long shots, Forés’ disturbing mystery has a languid visual approach often at odds with the thrills on screen, which are guaranteed to shock and excite in equal measure.


There are only a handful of films about cruising that actually work: last year’s Stranger by the Lake is an example of a deliciously rare work of art that maintained its initial seduction throughout the entire film. The Miami Gay & Lesbian Film Festival presents us with Amor Eterno (Everlasting Love), a title that’s deliciously ironic considering its subject matter and all the dark deeds that go on in the woods.
Set in Barcelona, the film opens rather innocuously, men and women discussing how they flirt and what love feels like — “El amor si puede ser eterno, pero evoluziona” — before immediately shifting into a surreally uncomfortable realm (nude bodies, violence, and heavy synth included with purchase). It is with that shift that Marçal Forés establishes himself as a director readily willing to toy with audiences’ expectations.
In Amor eterno, the cruising grounds are for everyone, be they queer men looking for sex, couples gathering in passionate encounters (potentially for the sake of exhibitionist thrills), or for the sake of just having one’s own personal space. The protagonists in this case are a student and teacher, who interact with pure professionalism in the classroom, but outside, well, as Sondheim once wrote, “Many things can happen in the woods.”
Forés indulges in long drawn-out takes, and two of the most riveting scenes establish the change in the relationship between these two best. The first is simply a shot of the two of them in a car together – the focus on our older gentlemen – in which they discuss the men they meet and find attractive. Following that, we’re treated to the first real sex scene, which unfolds inside a car in the night, allowing the audience to witness in the most voyeuristic fashion, as the camera pans in on them.
Admittedly, not a lot happens in these scenes, and they’re certainly more conservative about the sexuality than a film like Stranger by the Lake was, but they’re fascinating to witness, span nearly ten minutes together, and are essential to the characters and their narrative.
The false promise of everlasting love is broken though, as the relationship between these two goes south rather quickly (as it would have to within an appropriately 69-minute long movie), with the feeling of danger lurking around every corner. While Stranger was contained to its cruising location, Amor has its fair share of exploration outside of it, offering glimpses into character’s lives outside of their sexuality. The decidedly sinister atmosphere stretches everywhere, and the youths that populate the woods especially instill discomfort.
The youths seem to indulge in all sorts of strange traditions, and while the grand finale isn’t difficult to foresee, the journey that both these kids and the teacher take to get there makes for a riveting watch. Amor eterno proves to be quite the enjoyable and thrilling drama, one that actually ends up being a little romantic in its own macabre way. (Juan Barquin,

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