The Love Patient

The Love Patient
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The Love Patient

Il film è la storia di un uomo arrivato che crede di poter ottenere tutto quello che vuole, anche il suo ex ragazzo, usando qualsiasi mezzo, perfino quello di far credere che sia malato di cancro. Paul si accorge ora, dopo aver ottenuto dalla vita il massimo successo, di avere in realtà perso la cosa più importante che aveva: l’amore di Brad, il suo ex ragazzo, lasciato ormai da qualche anno, ma che lavora ancora nella stessa società. Abituato a vincere sempre, l’egoista Paul, deve escogitare il modo per riavere il suo uomo, Brad, che però ora ha una storia con un’altro, il bisessuale Alex. Paul convince il suo medico e amico Burt, che ha bisogno di molti soldi per salvare la sua clinica, a falsificare delle analisi facendo credere che sia malato di cancro. Alla notizia della malattia accorrono, preoccupati e addolorati, i genitori e la sorella di Paul. Anche Brad, informato della cosa, si lascia commuovere e mentre stanno lavorando insieme ad un progetto di lavoro, i vecchi ricordi sentimentali lo riavvicinano a Paul. Nel contempo la sorella di Paul seduce il bisessuale Alex, provocando la rottura tra Brad e Alex… Scene assai seducenti, con un Brad (John Wersky), che ci ricorda il giovane Richard Gere, non bastano a rendere il film credibile e meno patetico, nonostante si definisca come una divertente commedia gay romantica.



trailer: The Love Patient


A heart broken ad exec pretends to have cancer to trick his ex-boyfriend into falling in love with him again. When the brash Paul (Benjamin Lutz), realizes his ex-boyfreind, the sensitive souled Brad (John Werskey), is dating one-time Bowflex model, Ted (Jackson Palmer) he comes to terms that he has lost him for good. Grasping for straws, Paul concocts an outrageous scheme to win back his sympathy – he stages his own cancer diagnosis. Things seem to be going in Paul’s favor until his mother moves into his house, clears out the furniture and puts in a home-care hospital facility. Additionally, she has the rest of the family move in, most notably Paul’s rich bitch sister who senses his scheme from the very start.Buckle your seat belt for a wild ride of love, lust, revenge and sibling rivalry in this raucous romantic comedy that asks the ultimate question – Why do we wait until someone is sick or dying to come to their side? The man who brought the festival smash, Gay Zombie, to the world, makes his feature debut in this smartly written crowd pleaser.


…This movie could never make up mind whether they wanted to be a simple comedy, over the top comedy, a lil bit serious or just plain simple annoying. Paul’s character was supposed to be annoying which I guess he did well but Brad seemed as if he just came out of a sugar jar. So sweet always and with pretty much similar expressions on his face throughout. And don’t even ask about the woman who played Paul’s mother. She was sooooo over the top that it was annoying. The film took a long time to build up the whole story of fake cancer and then just suddenly out of the blue, the beans are spilled (as if the director just ran out of steam and wants to finish the film). But that does not actually happen. As sudden as Paul’s secret is found, in the next 5 minutes we also see how Paul realizes his mistake and finally over a period of time wins back Brad by right means. The end seemed so rushed. The screenplay was not evenly divided throughout the film. And to top all this, there wasn’t enough eye- candy too. (Imdb)

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